Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Finally, the little 'D'

First, Sorry it has been a while since our last post.  We're still trying to get the hang of all this. 

Since our last post we drove to Denton, Tx., (that's the little 'D' vs Dallas being the BIG 'D').  It was a short drive from Weatherford, Tx and it allowed us to setup and still get to visit Bill's mom on Tuesday 22 Oct. who lives at an assisted living complex in Lewisville, Tx.  As luck would have it, or really good planning by Stephanie, we had reservations at a city RV park in Lake Dallas on Lewisville Lake which was only about 10 minute drive to Mom's apartment.
Site 12 at Lake Dallas RV park

View of Lake Lewisville from our site

On Wednesday, 23 Oct. we went with one of Bill's sisters and his mom to lunch at Spring Creek Barbecue in Lewisville.  This happens to be the same place we took mom to eat last time we were here.  The pork ribs are really the best.  Sorry no picture, it would just make you hungry anyway.
On Thursday 24 Oct. the assisted living complex threw a Halloween party for the residents and guests.  They had soft drinks and snack foods and everyone had a great time.
I'd like to introduce my brother-in-law Scott

This is my sister Tara who also works at the facility where mom lives, no... this is not here normal uniform for work

Mom, dressed as Scrooge, with a real hankering to party.

On Saturday, Bill drove to Ft. Worth to go see a nephews football game and Stephanie stayed at the trailer to tend to sick doggies.  We're not sure but it looks like cat food with hair ball treatment in it may not be very good for dogs digestive tracks.  All 3 of them were proving beyond a shadow of a doubt they did NOT have hairballs.  What a mess.
On Sunday 27 Oct. we had all Bill's family over to our site for dinner.  We cooked hamburgers and hot dogs and everyone ate till they were well satisfied.

Our new Great Nephew Ryker and mom Megan

On Tuesday 29 Oct.  We took Bill's mom to the Grapevine Mills Sea Side Aquarium.  They requested NO photographs inside the aquarium so we don't have any but suffice it to say it was very nice and we had allot of fun.  Afterward we went for ice cream at Braum's in Grapevine.
We will be departing Thursday morning for Kemeh, Tx down near Houston to visit Bill's niece and family.  More later.

Monday, October 21, 2013

On our way to Dallas

After our last goodbyes we left Las Cruces on Friday morning.  It struck Stephanie after she had her shower and didn't hit me until we were near Anthony, 'We are Free to go where we choose'!  That was an overwhelming feeling, but totally welcome.  As part of the process, we decided to go as far (maybe somewhat of an escape feeling) as we could the first day, that meant the interstate.  We made it to Sweetwater, Tx and decided to stop for the night.  Stayed at a private campground that first night that we can't remember the name of (no pictures either).  Got up early on Saturday and decided to go to a lake by the name of Possum Kingdom near Mineral Wells, Tx.  Through internet searching and phone calls it was determined there was no available spot for us there.  We went on to a Texas State Park called Mineral Wells and actually got to the park entrance before we got the news that our trailer would not fit in the camping spots AND they were full anyway.  Beginning to think maybe we should have planned ahead a little.  We went on to Weatherford, Tx and started calling around to try and find a place to stay.  We found a site at Oak Creek RV park, WHEW.  Right next to the interstate but just beautiful.  Stephanie checked us in and , of course, had to ask if there were any GOOD barbeque places near by.  She got directions to Natty Flat's which was actually about 20 miles away but totally worth the drive. 

Entrance to the restaurant

Natty Flats is kind of a destination all unto itself.  It is setup as an old pioneering town with the restaurant as the anchor.  We didn't actually tour the town we just went straight for the barbeque. 

We did stop for a 'tourist' photo of the largest cedar rocking chair in Texas
We decided to stay at Oak Creek until Tuesday morning when we will head for Lake Dallas (YES, we did get reservations) near Denton, Tx.
  Here are a few pictures of Oak Creek RV Park

Friday, October 18, 2013

Our Start

Thought the best way to start our story is to tell a little of what it has taken to get here. 

We made the decision to live a fulltime RV lifestyle about 3 years ago, before Stephanie and I ever had a firm retirement date in mind.  We have spent the last 3 years learning all we could about RV's and the life of RVing so that when the time came we would be ready to make the 'right' decisions.  We studied all we could concerning types of RV's, length, Gas or Diesel, 5th wheel or Class A and on and on.  When we finally decided to retire it was a whirlwind of decisions which we made and it felt like we had never even thought about it all.

Long story short, we decided to purchase a 5th wheel trailer and a dually diesel pickup.  Not necessarily the best choice but the best choice for us.  So, our decision made, we started searching for the 'right' trailer and truck.  We believe through lots of prayer and persistence we found a 2012 Chevrolet 3500 Dually with  the Duramax diesel engine and only 9900 miles at a great price.  Our initial feeling was we did not want our truck to be the limiting factor in our choice of a 5th wheel trailer, instead we hoped good sense would limit us to a proper size and weight trailer, so much for good sense.  After looking for a trailer for nearly 3 weeks we decided to make the trip to Kay's RV in Moriarity, NM, sort of out the way but we had hope.  We found our 2007 Excel 37 ft. 5th wheel there and we really fell in love with Kay and her family.  It only took a few minutes for us to make up our mind and make the purchase.  I could go on and on here about Kay's RV and all the freebies but suffice it to say, we were setup and ready to roll when Kay was done with us.

Our 'Rig' in Las Cruces, NM
Next came the task of preparing our home for renting.  We needed backyard landscaping, painting, new carpet and a really good Property Management company to get it rented.  We hired our nephew Mark to do the landscaping and he did a wonderful job.

Almost pretty enough to make us stay, NOT!
New carpet and paint and we turned over the keyes to Angela of 'For Rent in Las Cruces'  Property Management on 16 Oct. 2013.  Finally!
One last step to begin our new lives.  We wanted to have a 'open house' before we left.  So, Stephanie sent texts, emails and a number of phone calls to invite our family and friends over to Shady Acres RV park for our send off.  We ordered the food from Andele's restaurant and spent the afternoon getting ready.  All of our family and friends started arriving around 4:00pm and we all had a great time visiting and letting everyone tour the trailer.  We will surely miss you all but we will be back sometime around May of next year for more Doctor, Dentists, Family, Friends and Mexican Food.  Thanks to all for the Prayers and good wishes.