Thursday, May 15, 2014

More Lazy Days and Some time in Bradenton, FL

The whole reason we were back here in Florida was the need to get some work done on the motorhome and we wanted it done at Lazy Days RV where we bought it.  We also needed to follow up on our vehicle registrations.  So after all the fun of Disney World it was back to Lazy Days in Seffner, FL.  Our appointment was for 6 May and after checking in they got right to work on the motorhome.  We took the opportunity to speak to one of the business managers about our motorhome registration.  He put us in contact with a young lady who had that responsibility.  The problem was we wanted the Motorhome registered in New Mexico and they were not having much luck getting it done.  After we spoke with Kelly, she contacted the MVD express in NM and got things rolling.  We then needed to go to Clearwater where we bought our car and go through the same process.  All and all a very successful day.  The repairs on the motorhome were complete except for a key being made for the deadbolt.  Lazy Days made an appointment with a locksmith to come directly to our camp the next morning.  Really great service.
  Wednesday morning the locksmith showed up and had us taken care of in no time at all.  The rest of the day was spent getting ready to travel down the road to Bradenton, FL., our next stop.
  Thursday morning we were off, we had a whopping 45 miles we were traveling and wanted to get an early start.  We arrived at the Encore RV Park in Bradenton at 1100am and got checked in and assigned to a campsite.  The Encore parks are generally more of a long term residence type park with lots of Park model type RV's.  One afternoon Cara started barking out one of the windows and we looked and saw a Hawk sitting on our electric box right outside the motorhome.

From the studying we did this appears to be a Cooper's Hawk.  He just sat there and let us take all the pictures we wanted. 
  We spent Saturday morning out doing yard sales looking for movies.  We didn't do very well on movies but we saw some nice areas.

We decided to have a nice lunch at a restaurant which Steph found good reviews for called Pier22.  It turned out to be a very nice place and we enjoyed our meal at a very low cost $$.  Stephanie had a Blackened Amberjack Tuna dish and Bill had a Grilled Grouper dish. 

This is a photo right outside of Pier 22 restaurant.  
On Sunday, Mother's day we relaxed and made steaks on the grill to celebrate.  Had a wonderful day and got ready to leave on Monday.  We would be leaving for Peace River Thousand Trails park near Wauchula, FL.  More on that later.

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