Saturday, June 14, 2014

Cheaha State Park Alabama

On Sunday, 25 May, we got underway again for a short drive to Cheaha State Park near Oxford/Anniston Alabama.  In our travels so far we have seen many State Parks but by far Cheaha is more like a resort than any.  The 'claim to fame' for Cheaha is that it boasts the highest point in Alabama at 2419 feet.  There is a definite remoteness to the park, even though you are only 18 miles from Oxford, AL, from a electronic communication perspective you might as well be in remote Alaska.  No signal is the rule.  So our week was incommunicado except when we ventured to town.  We would pack a picnic lunch and spend a couple hours at the city park in Oxford so we could check email, make phone calls and just enjoy the area.
 The park was built by the CCC and a few of the cabins built during that period are still being used, while the Alabama Park service has added to that original build over the years.
Restaurant at Cheaha

rental cabin

rental chalet

View of Cheaha Lake from Hotel
  We really enjoyed seeing and photographing the different types of wild flowers we saw.
Flowering Oak bush

Butterfly weed

We also enjoyed seeing deer on most days.

While it didn't rain very much on us at Cheaha, there was a morning fog on most days that added to the remote feeling of the place.

We have enjoyed our stay here at Cheaha.  It was a very serene week with few distractions from the beauty and peace of the area.

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