Sunday, December 1, 2013

Slow drive to Savannah, Ga.

25 Nov. through 30 Nov.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Monday was our travel day to get to Savannah, GA.  When we got up it was cold and rainy.  Stephanie found our rain ponchos and by 9:00am we were packed and ready for the road.  Since we have started this adventure we have experienced a number of storms but mostly when we were parked.  Today we were going to be traveling in the rain.
Stephen Foster State Park with the rain falling

Stephen Foster Tower, rain is really coming down
Our trip took us across the very Northern parts of Florida on I-10 towards Jacksonville, FL.  At Jacksonville we turned North on I-95.  This is all such pretty country.  As we headed north we started getting into the tidal marshes with lots of water.  We crossed about 5 big rivers flowing to the ocean.  We are staying at an RV Park in Hardeeville, SC which is about 14 miles north of Savannah. 
On Tuesday we decided to drive to Savannah and see some sights.
Savannah River on Tuesday
We were interested in just driving around what is deemed as Old Savannah to see the area.  What a beautiful old city.
Just another beautiful street in Savannah
More Savannah street scenes

Savannah City Hall
Stephanie had visiting St. John the Baptist Cathedral as her number 1 pick to visit while we were in town and of course Bill had Brunch as his number 1 pick so Stephanie found Trip Advisors number 1 pick for brunch and we went to eat.
Breakfast at J. Christopher's, YUM, makes me hungry again
As it turned out, the restaurant Stephanie found was just across the street from St. John the Baptist cathedral.  So after we ate we walked across to visit.

One of the beautiful Stained Glass

Our desire is to come back into Savannah after Thanksgiving and do a carriage tour.  We hope it helps us pair down the other things we will take time to go see more in depth. 
A carriage tour in Savannah
The RV park where we are staying was doing a Thanksgiving potluck which we signed up to attend.  Stephanie made 2 types of stuffing and some gluten free gravy which was delicious.  We met numerous other campers here at the park and just talked away the afternoon.  A vey good time.
On Saturday we just hung out at the trailer and received an invitation to go over to one of the other campers trailers for a campfire and wine tasting while watching the sun set over the lake.  Sorry, we forgot the camera so no pictures but it was really enjoyable and we met lot of nice people.
That's it for now.  We will be here until Tuesday 3 Dec. so we will update later.


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