Monday, November 25, 2013

Short stops in Florida

Events of 22-24 Nov. and 25-26 Nov.
We left Rainbow Plantation In Lower Alabama on Friday 22 Nov. and started toward our next stop of Three Rivers State Park near Sneads, FL.  It was to only be a short trip so we took our time getting ready and had a relaxed trip of about 170miles.
Entrance to Three Rivers State Park
  We arrived at about 1:00pm and got setup in our site.  They have a unique method of doing check in at this park.  When you arrive, a park ranger verifies your reservation and then advises you to check in with the campground host between 4:00 and 4:30pm.  We needed to run to Walmart which was about 20 miles away so we fed the dogs and walked them and off we went.  Our Walmart trip took longer than we thought and about 4:40pm Stephanie started freakin out.  She pointed out that at State Parks they lock the gate at around 5:00pm and you have to have a code to reenter.  So then Bill started freakin out.  While Bill filled the truck with diesel Stephanie was on the phone calling the park ranger to see if they could wait for us to get back before they locked up.  She explained how we had not checked in with the campground host since we needed to go to Walmart.  The ranger  gave Stephanie a combination to the gate so we could get back in.  Major problem narrowly averted, these are the real world problems facing retirees today.  WOW, life is good.
Camp site at Three Rivers
Lake Seminole at Three Rivers

Lake Seminole
 Saturday morning we were awoken to the sound of around 100 loggers chopping on trees.  Actually, as we were waking up that is what it sounded like it turned out to be opening morning of Duck season and I think every Floridian was auditioning for Duck Dynasty.  It didn't take very long for the ducks to figure out they were not getting shot at on our side of the lake so there was an abundance of ducks in the park by noon.
Just across this little portion of the lake is where the hunters were
  On Saturday we did laundry and just hung out with the dogs at the trailer.  Took a couple of little hikes and enjoyed the day.  Weather reports indicated another cold dip.  Sure enough, on Sunday morning the temp was down around 40 degrees and yes that is Fahrenheit.  The wind was blowing and we thought it might actually force Bill to wear long pants.  At last we got packed up and trailer hitched up and off we went for our next stop at Stephen Foster State Park near White Springs, FL. 
Entrance drive to Stephen Foster State Park
Stephen Foster State Park Ranger Station
Pretty picture of the Swanee River
Swanee River with a warning
Now we didn't know who Stephen Foster was and why they named a state park in Florida after him so we did a little studying.  As it turns out Stephen Foster probably never stepped foot in Florida but back in 1840's he was a the premiere song writer and is considered the father of American music.  He was the author of songs such as Camptown Races, Jeanie with the light brown hair, Oh! Susanna and the real biggie, Old Folks at Home (Swanee River).  Since the Swanee River flows right through the park and the song was adopted as the state song for Florida, Stephen Foster earned a State Park.  All kidding aside, this is a really a special place.  As I said, the Swanee River flows through here and they have built a museum in honor of Mr. Foster.  There is also a tower associated with the museum that plays Stephen Foster songs every hour as the chime.
The Parks Dept. puts on a Christmas in Lights throughout the Park in December.  Right now they are doing all the preparation work for that.  We both want to come back here again as soon as we can. 
  We took a little time to drive around White Springs, FL to see some of the old homes.  Very nice little town.

Methodist Church dating back to 1850's

Baptist Church 1898, still beautiful

Tomorrow, Tuesday 26 Nov. we are off to our new site in Hardeeville, SC.  It is actually the outskirts of Savannah, Ga. so we intend on doing some site seeing.

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