Monday, November 4, 2013

A Day for Waffles and the Boardwalk

On Saturday we had a free day to just visit family and enjoy the surrounding area.  Our niece Vanessa wanted us all to go to the Seabrook Waffle Company for brunch so off we went.  Seabrook is a small town right next to League City but right on the bay.  The Seabrook Waffle company makes original Belgian waffles with a twist.  They have Turkey dinner waffles, Monte Cristo waffles, Eggs Benedict waffles and many, many more to choose from.
We don't know these people they just happen to be in line with the restaurant sign

Stephanie had the eggs benedict and I had the Monte Cristo.  Both were exceptional.  I would not have guessed that a sweet waffle with mustard would have worked but it really did.  When we get back to this area again we will certainly go and eat here again.

After our brunch, everyone needed to take a walk or lay down for a nap.  We opted for the Kemeh Boardwalk which is right next door to Seabrook.  The boardwalk was saluting our armed forces so there were numerous displays and recruiting locations around the boardwalk.  Since our niece's husband Trey is currently serving in the Coast Guard and Vanessa is a veteran of the US Coast Guard, we gravitated to the fast boat they had on display.
Vanessa recreating a scene from days gone by as a fast boat pilot
The local girls waiting for the Navy Seamen to return home
As it turns out, the Kemeh Boardwalk has an aquarium with a sting ray petting tank.  We are suckers for aquariums and petting sting rays was just a Seabrook Dessert waffle on top.  We all went inside for a look.  They sell small bait fish that you can hand feed the sting rays, so we loaded up.  Everyone gathered around and the sting rays came flying by for a handout.
Jillian (next to Stephanie) having an ever so slightly close encounter with a sting ray

Everyone gathered around one end of the sting ray tank
The Aquarium has a small gift shop as you leave and Vanessa, Caleb and Susan just felt the need to get into the spirit of sea life.

Vanessa the shark prepares to feed on Susan and Caleb the squid
We enjoyed our day but everyone needed to get home so Caleb could get ready for his final day as the Queen of Hearts (see previous post) role in Alice in Wonderland. 
We will be leaving for Livingston, Tx on Monday morning so our next post will be a couple of days from now.

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