Friday, November 1, 2013

On the move again

We got up Thursday morning (Halloween) to a beautiful sunrise and promises of a good day.

Last morning at Lake Dallas
We were packed and hooked up by 8:00am and ready to start our trip to League City, TX.  League City is about 25miles south of Houston.  At the start of the trip we didn't know 25 miles south of Houston was still Houston, but I get ahead of myself, not a good habit when you are towing an 18000lbs trailer.
We agreed to meet Bill's sister Susan and her husband Scott at a Kroger grocery store parking lot near their house.  We were going to be following them to League City and let them navigate the cites by us following.  We got to the Krogers about 10 mins before they were to show up and found out the entire strip mall was under MASSIVE reconstruction.  We were already in the thick of it before we realized it and had no choice but to proceed on.  We parked the truck and trailer in a large handicapped area and Stephanie went inside to get breakfast while I walked around the parking lot trying to figure a way out.  All the exits were either torn up or had construction equipment parked in them.  After walking around for about 10 min. I found a preferred way to get out.  Stephanie got back to the truck and we marshaled our courage and did some 'threading the needle' with the trailer through the parking lot and between parked cars.  Harrowing but we made it with our MiFi rerad antenna being the only casualty of a low tree branch (can work on that later).
We got going on our start to Houston just a few minutes after 9:00am.
Dallas downtown from the cab at 60mph
Traffic proved to be fairly light and we got through Dallas with no real challenges. 
The trip down to Houston is only about 300 miles and the plan was to do it all in one day.  Stephanie had got reservations for us in League City so we were committed to making it there.  Our going in position for traveling was to always keep the travel to around 4 to 5 hours a day but we thought this would be doable in about 5.5 hours. 
Our first stop turned out to be a small town called Buffalo, TX.  There were signs for barbecue along the highway and we couldn't pass them up since it was lunch time.  We ended up eating at a Dickey's restaurant (sort of a chain mainstay for barbecue in Texas).  We needed diesel in the truck but couldn't find any stations with fuel which we could easily get in and back out.  Scott suggested we go on to Madisonville (the next town) and go to a travel center called Buc ee's as in Buckie the beaver. 
Buc ee's travel center
Stephanie, who loves cheesy touristy t-shirts, went inside and said a large portion of the item's for sale bordered on the obscene side using the term beaver.  She bought Bill a couple of pieces of fudge for the ride which were not obscene at all.
Finally around 3:00pm we were coming into Houston, or so we thought.  Actually we were only in a suburb by the name of Conroe and it was very busy traffic until we got off the highway at League City.
Houston's beautiful downtown
After just over 7.5 hours on the road we finally arrived at Safari Trailer and RV Park.  We got parked and setup and called Bill's sister to tell them we would be staying at the trailer the rest of the evening, no tricks or treats for us.  I think we were asleep before 8:00pm.
Safari RV space for a few days

We will be here in League City until Monday morning and plan on visiting family and attending a play(Alice in Wonderland) that our Great Nephew is in.

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