Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Livingston, Tx. "Our new Home"

We left all our family behind in League City on Monday 4 Nov. with fond memories of the fun we have had with them.  We will be back for sure.  We drove right past our niece's house, Seabrook Waffle Co and The Kemah Boardwalk as we were departing the area all of which just made it harder to leave.
View from an overpass of the bay near the Kemah Boardwalk

As we have said before, this entire area is just a extended suburb of Houston.  Being Monday morning we decided to take some 'less used' state roads as opposed to the interstate system, turned out to be a really good plan.  Traffic was very light and we made really good time.  We crossed over the Baytown Bridge on our way North.  It was really a pretty bridge.
Going North across the Baytown Bridge
After crossing under I-10 in Baytown the traffic really dropped off to almost nothing.  Our trip today was only 100miles total so it went pretty fast.  We were at the Escapees Rainbow Inn in Livingston, Tx. at about noon.  Early enough we had to wait for the previous occupants of our assigned RV space to finish packing up and pull out.
Campsite at Rainbow Inn

The park is very large and is made up of 2 different sections.  One section is for residents who have purchased an RV space and can put even mobile homes on it and the other section is maintained as temporary RV spaces like any other RV Park.  We were of course in the temporary section.
View of the RV Park in Livingston, Tx

After we setup we wanted to go the club headquarters and check our mail and some other details associated with our membership.  As many of you know, Escapees club offers a mail service which we have signed up for so now our official address is here in Livingston.

On Tuesday, Stephanie was appearently missing the Mesilla Valley so she made some Red Enchiladas for lunch.  After lunch we went for a drive to see Lake Livingston State Park.  It really is very nice park. 
Boat ramp a Lake Livingston

View from a campsite we would like to come back and stay at

Spillway out of Lake Livingston into the Trinity River
On Wednesday, 6 Nov. we wanted to take a ride up to Nacogdoches, Tx just to see.  It is about 60 miles North of Livingston and reported to be the oldest town in Texas.  We didn't really allow enough time to see the town very well but we did see the town square just off of Main Street.
Nacogdoches town square

Nacogdoches Main Street
We drove East out of Nacogdoches because we wanted to see Sam Rayburn lake.  The rain fell off and on and added to the beauty of the area.  We always knew East Texas was nice but we really fell in love with the green rolling hills.

East of Nacogdoches and North of Sam Rayburn Lake
We decided to cut our tour a little short because the truck was starting to get real thirsty again and Bill hadn't had his lunch yet and it was already 1:00pm.  So we drove back to the West across the Northern tip of Sam Rayburn Lake towards Lufkin Tx.
Sam Rayburn Lake
When we got to Lufkin we found a gas station and asked where to get some good barbecue.  We were directed to Bryan's smokehouse and what a find.  I want to become Bryan's long lost child.  Simply the BEST brisket and pulled pork we have had. (Sorry, forgot the pictures again, I was too busy eating).
Tomorrow morning we leave Livingston to go to Martin Dies State Park.  More from there.

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