Saturday, November 2, 2013

Alice in Wonderland

Last night was the big night!  We attended the 'Alice in Wonderland' play put on by Cedar Falls High School.  It was REALLY spectacular.  The level of the performance was way above a local theatre company.  To think these were high school students was just amazing.  You could see the level of commitment from everyone of them.  This production was 100% students with the teacher as the executive producer.  The 'kids' ran everything from the sound system to the lights to all the backdrops and stage props.

Our Grand Nephew, Caleb Gonzales, played the part of the Queen of Hearts.  Now Caleb has been interested in acting for a while but for a 17 year old high school student to pull off playing a normally female role was a tribute to his craft.
Caleb as the Queen of Hearts, just right of center
There was a visiting schools acting club there last night and after the play ALL of the students formed up on the stage for a question and answer secession.  They all conducted themselves like seasoned professionals. 
Question and Answer secession

Caleb working the crowd
 It was also photography night so after the questions answers, they recreated all the scenes from the play and had photos done.  All we had with us was the iPhone camera so they aren't the greatest photos but here are a couple for you to see.

And finally a picture of the proud grandparents after all else was done.
Stay tuned for more about our travels in the coming days.


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